Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association, Spokane WA

© 2017, Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association

KBARA Membership
Membership Information
Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association

Annual support is $15 per calendar year for a single membership and $20 for a family membership. Dues are due in January of each year and if paid between September 1 and December 31, they will be applied through the entire following year. And any additional amount will be gratefully accepted to the Repeater Fund. Contributions may be sent to:
    P.O. Box 30801
    Spokane WA 99223-3013
To support KBARA, simply download our application form and follow the instructions.

If you like, you can pay using PayPal. Make the choice below and then click the "Buy Now" button to use PayPal. When you do, you will be taken to the PayPal page where you can pay using your credit card or funds from your own PayPal account. For your convienience, additional options are available to include a $20 contribution to the Repeater Fund. Contribution to the repeater fund is not required for membership, but would be greatly appreciated.

Members and Officers operate under a set of rules and proceedures known as By-Laws and Standing rules.  In addition to these, there are motions that have been approved by a vote of the members at the various official meetings presided over by the President.

The KBARA By-Laws and Standing Rules are hereby available for your inspection.  Motions made and passed in KBARA meetings are not available on-line.