© 2017, Kamiak Butte Amateur Repeater Association
December 30, 2013
There has been some confusion amounst the Kamiak Butte repeater owners. The Kamiak Butte Repeaters have been off-line since 24Dec13, but are now restored.
July, 2013 The
new IRLP node 3636 is now installed and working great. This IRLP
node can be used by any repeater connected to the Evergreen Intertie
and is located on East Tiger Mountain, near Issaquah, WA.
Normally, the node is connected to reflector 9075 at all
times. Stations in the Seattle area can invite other IRLP
nodes to connect to reflector 9075 and they will be heard on the
K7NWS-145.33 repeater.
The primary purpose of this IRLP node is
to provide a high quality audio link between the East side, and the
West side of the Evergreen Intertie. The RF links are still in
place and can be used if the IRLP link goes down.
A big thanks to Jack-W7HNH and Bob-WA7HJR for helping with this project and providing a suitable site and Internet connection.
Here is a photo of the rack mouted case that houses the IRLP interface and computer:
case encloses the IRLP board and Raspberry Pi computer. These
items were purchased by KBARA, configured by Glen-KF7QLH, installed in
the case by Randy-W4LKS. The site and Internet connection is hosted by
Jack-W7HNH. The cords are for Monitor and Keyboard if needed for
July, 2013
August, 2012
The campout was a blast, and we would like to thank Roger, KF7JJC for
providing some excellent ribs, and other goodies at the campout! The
annual meeting was good, and a copy of the meeting minutes can be
requested from Glen, KF7QLH.
Hamfest is coming up soon! You can see KBARA's flyer regarding the
hamfest by clicking on the "Events/Hamfests" link on the website. From
what I know, raffle ticket sales are going great, and table
reservations seem to be going good too. We are in need of door prizes!
If you know anyone who would like to donate door prizes, you can
contact Betsy, N7WRQ. Hope to see a lot of people at the hamfest!
From the Listening Post
Posted September 29th, 2011
Yesterday, during the official KBARA net, we were talking about the
need to replace the 147.380 machine (W7OE, SPOKANE) antenna. A big ice
ball took out our aluminum antenna
over the last winter. The estimated cost of the replacement would be
$1,000.00 - $2,000.00. Instead of investing that kind of money into
another aluminum antenna, it was Jay's (N7ZUF)
idea to just build a antenna out of stainless steel. Jay has built his
own antennas for our 6 meter repeater on Kamiak Butte. Jay suggested
and offered his time and labor to build another
antenna to replace the broken antenna on Mica Peak. He estimated the
cost to be around $350.00 instead of $1000 - $2000. It was agreed over
the net, that we would proceed with Jay's stainless
steel antenna. Today, the KBARA club got word that one of our members,
KF7JJC, Roger in Snake River, has decided to pay for the antenna. WOW!
KBARA would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to ROGER! Talk about a member
going above and beyond to help support the repeater fund! THANKS AGAIN
ROGER! This means a lot to the club, as well as the people that rely on
that particular repeater. Jay
has also agreed to take pictures of the building process, and we will
have them displayed here on the website!
Thanks again, Roger for everything!
From the Listening Post
Posted September 20th, 2011
KBARA would like to thank Mike Maxson, N1NG for the years of being the
co-owner of the 147.360 (Spokane) repeater. He recently decided to
liquidate his interest in the repeater, and it has been sold to Glen,
KF7QLH. Thanks for everything you have done over the years, Mike. It is
appreciated. It takes a lot of good people just like Mike
to keep a club of this size functioning well. Mike is going to keep
ownership/operation of the IRLP node, as well as his projects on Mica
Peak. Thanks again for everything Mike!
From John (W7OE) via Facebook
Posted September 6th, 2011
Saturday, Sept. 3, Karl (AK2O) and Josh (KE7TUN) climbed the 80'
pole on Mica Peak to reposition the 147.38 repeater antenna. It was
removed from the pole after it was discovered to be broken. We will
continue to use the "Diamond" antenna until we purchase another
Sinclair or Stationmaster repeater antenna. We did move the 430Mhz link
antenna (to the west) farther up the pole and used the hardline
(origionally on the Stationmaster antenna). The link to Seattle seems
to sound better due to this change. By the way, Karl (AK2O) DONATED his
time, gasoline expense, and a connector to KBARA. He should be thanked
for his help and his donation. Also, his and Josh's climbing skills are
impressive since others (myself included) refuse to even attempt to
climb the runged telephone pole with many attached obstructions.
From the Air Waves
Posted August 29th, 2011
At about 3:00pm Saturday, August 27th, 2011 KD7AAT (John) took a
emergency call from K7PKT (Todd). A group of guys were camping and
hiking in the Emerald Lake Washington area, when someone took a spill
over the side of a ledge or cliff. The guy suffered a major compound
fracture of his femur. From what was described over the air, the bone
had pierced the skin, leaving the guy with some major bleeding. K7PKT
had his 2 meter hand held radio, and summoned help over the KBARA
repeaters. John (KD7AAT) was right in the middle of a QSO when he heard
the BREAK BREAK EMERGENCY come over the air. He jumped right in, trying
to calm Todd down. Once Todd calmed down, John asked for the details of
the injury, and asked for the location. Todd had a hand help GPS device
on him, and got the exact coordinates. Todd also explained that there
was absolutely NO WAY of getting a stretcher in the area; as they had
to clear their own paths on the way in. John relayed all the
information via cell phone to 911. It took some time being transfered
between emergency services in different counties, and kept in constant
contact with Todd about what was happening.
The rescue service decided that they would send a ambulance to the
area, to see how close they could get to the injured party. Once the
medics got close to the scene,
they soon realized that Todd was not joking about the distance from the
nearest roads, and it would be about a two and a half mile hike through
some seriously dangerous
conditions. At about this time, a Air Force medic who happened to be in
the same area came upon the group, and helped in securing the injured
party, while they were still
waiting for help. A short time later, first responders also arrived on
scene on foot. They wanted to make sure the patient was stabilized, and
also find an area, and clear it for the helicopter landing.
After some more questions from 911 regarding what the patient would
need, a helicopter was launched from Spokane, Washington for the 175
(approx) nautical mile flight.
The patient was transported to the hospital, and is recovering
from his injuries. We are supposed to get a detailed letter today from
Todd K7PKT on how the flight went, and
how the injured party is doing today. We will update you when that
information becomes available.
Previous Coverage: Right Now! KD7AAT is coordinating with K7PKT
a helicopter rescue mission for someone in desperate need
of medical assistance in a very remote location off of Deadman Creek Rd
(FSRD 9565) at the South East of Emerald Lake, Washington. Coordinates
are as follows:
N - 48.63726 W - 118.25478. Stand by for for information. . . . (Update
4:15pm) WW7DD is now coordinating with the Colville 911 and assisting
the operation to
Emerald Lake, Wa. I believe that they finally realize the remote
location, and they are sending in a helicopter. They were asked to set
flares or strobe on or
near the landing area. Stand by for more information. . .
Posted August 16th, 2011
I am contacting all the radio groups in the area to spread the word that the Bonner County Amateur Radio
Club (BCARC) is looking for a few volunteers to help be the eyes and ears for the 2011 Bonner County Fair
in Sandpoint, ID. We would greatly appreciate spreading the invitation to your members and also mention on
the nets in your area.
Where: Bonner County Fairgrounds in Sandpoint, ID
When: August 23rd to 27th
Times: 8am to 8pm each day (gates close 11pm)
Talk in frequency: 145.230 minus offset 100.0 tone
Fair net frequency: 145.600 simplex
Anyone wishing more information or to schedule a time to volunteer can contact Dave
or Josh. We will also be sponsoring Technician License classes in September.
We will be needing VEs to come to Sandpoint to administer the test after the classes are done.
Thank you,
Dave Holten
Vise President
Bonner County Amateur Radio Club
Swap Shop
Posted August 12th, 2011
Hey y'all!
I am happy to announce that John (KD7AAT) has decided to run a Swap Shop area of the kbara.org website. If you are
looking to buy, sell, trade, donate, or mooch radio equipment then you can click on the link titled Swap Shop! John
is the one that came up with the idea, and we thought that it was a good one. To view items wanted, for sale, etc., just
click on the link, and it will take you directly to the list. If you have any questions, there is a email address on the
page for you to send email directly to John. Hope everyone likes it!
Glen - KF7QLH
Posted August 11th, 2011
************FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE***********
Special Event Station K5B Plano Balloon Festival
September 16, 2011 through September 18, 2011. Celebrating the 31st annual Plano Balloon Festival, members of the Plano
Amateur Radio Klub (PARK) and area amateur radio operators will be QRV as K5B during the festival. Frequencies plus
or minus QRM: 7.255, 14.255, 21.355 and on the club repeater, WD5ERD on 147.180 + PL 107.2 and via Echolink at K5PRK.
QSL with SASE to K5PRK .
More information formation will be available on our website at www.k5prk.net/k5b.
Website Changes
Posted August 9th, 2011
Hey y'all!
First off I would like to thank you for stopping by KBARA.org and checking out the new website. It was mentioned
that a "make over" for the KBARA site might be due; and since I have just a little bit of website experience I
threw a proposal together for it. So far, everyone seems to like the new look, and we're going to see how it pans
out! I hope you like it too. If there is anything you feel could be added, changed, deleted, or whatever please
don't hesitate to get a hold of me and let me know any ideas you have. I am almost always on the air from 6am - 8am
in the mornings, and 5pm - 10pm, or you can email me through this website.
Thanks so much & 73's!
Glen (KF7QLH)
IRLP Upgrade Successful
Posted May 11, 2010
Hi crew!
IRLP is back online, again.
So, what happened to IRLP?
Here is the low down: Just prior to my going to Florida, the IRLP went down and stayed that way until I returned a
couple weeks ago. It turned out to be a fault in the wiring between the radio and the Linux server. I repaired
it and IRLP was back for about a week and a half. At that point, the server started losing sectors on the Linux
server’s hard drive. I would repair 2 or 3 sectors and IRLP would work for about a day, then crash again.
After a few days of this, I decided it was time to migrate to the new IRLP server and board. Good thing I just
happened to have a new IRLP board and computer waiting!
The old IRLP Linux server was a Pentium II running Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike).
The new IRLP Linux server is a Pentium 4 running CentOS 4.8 (Final) and it has the new IRLP board installed.
I built a new cable from scratch that goes between the server and the 1.25M link radio. The new board had
the COS jumper set incorrectly and the onboard “sound card� had some issues. But after a couple tweaks it
slowly came back this morning (11 May 2010).
With any luck KBARA should once again have a solid IRLP system. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you
notice any system-related anomalies.
Generous Donation
Posted March 28, 2010
On December 15, 2009, an extremely generous donation was made to KBARA. Dan Ransom, K7MM,
donated to the club his repeater equipment located on Kamiak Butte.
KB7ARA now shares in the ownership of the 146.74 repeater, along with Bob, W7HFI, and John, W7OE.
KB7ARA is now sole owner of the 6 meter repeater there, 53.750 MHZ.
The club wishes to thank Dan for his generosity & kindness, and for
all he's done for the club. He has agreed to still be an
"Advisor" to the group.
Betsy, N7WRQ
Posted March 28, 2010
Elections for club officers will be at the July general meeting.
Positions open are: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and
If you would like to run for one of these positions, please contact
Mark, K7HPT at markvanwinkle@comcast.net
Betsy, N7WRQ
From the Listening Post
Posted August 25, 2008
The new KBARA application form and the new listing of KBARA officials
is now available for downloading from this website (home page).
Mike Maxson
From the Listening Post
Posted August 19, 2008
Hi All,
On August 16, round the Frankie Doodle Restaurant table, a gentlemen's
agreement was struck between Neil, N7LVO, & Mark, KE7HPT.
Mark will become the new co-owner of the Look Out Pass repeater, along with John, W7OE.
And Neil will donate the proceeds from the sale, $900, to KBARA. Mighty fine, mighty fine!!
Thanks very much, Neil, from all of us, and we wish Mark the best now as a KBARA owner.
This from Dan, K7MM, on the activities also on the 16th......unbelievable! It just can't get any better.
Dan & Jim.
11 hours at the site today, and well worth it. Jim, KE6DWM and I did the following
Installed the CommSpec TS-64 tone decoder on the 223-MHz link receiver
Upgraded the S-Com S7 controller to v2.03b from v1.15
Reprogrammed the Kamiak controller with parameters for the 146.74-MHz repeater and for the 223-MHz link
Inserted an antenna surge arrestor on the 223-MHz feedline and grounded to the building entrance ground
The benefits of our work today are that '74 repeater users no longer
hear the 223-MHz repeater tail (listening is easier and there is less
transmitter run time), the '74 repeater has separate courtesy
indicators for local and link traffic, local DTMF 9* for the time of
day in
Morse code, and other operational enhancements. We now have surge
protection on the 223-MHz feedline.
Plans include a 223-MHz circulator/isolator (contractually required by the site owner) and a new controller.
The new S-Com 7330 controller should arrive in a few weeks, so we can make further upgrades in local-area performance, including
voice announcements.
Dan at K7MM, VU3MMW
And, Karl, AK2O, & John, W7OE, headed up the hill on August 17th to
Stensgar to make repairs to the hub repeater power supply.
After all this, not only will we be looking good, we'll be sounding
good too.
Thanks all, and stay cool.
Betsy, N7WRQ
From the Listening Post
Posted August 10, 2008
Hi All,
Hope you don't mind, Dan, if I relay your info to the group so the
right hand knows what the left hand is doing. Thanks a million to you
& Jim for adopting the Kamiak repeater. It's sounding magnificent
Too, Ken & John made their mission to Pikes Peak. As I hear it,
which isn't always right, the old RLC controller did not have a tone
board, so they could not swap Mitreks. The current repeater was
re-re-tuned, now with 30 watts out, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.
As I understand it, Mike, N1NG, will be posting these notes to the KBARA web site, (https://kbara.org) , so the members can
keep track of the happenings, if they wish.
Thanks again for all the help & 73,
Betsy, N7WRQ
KBARA Treasurer & Control Op
Jim, KE6DWM, Bob, W7HFI and I discovered that the mangling, wandering
antenna was the 146.740 MHz repeater antenna. Only one bay of the
four-bay dipoles was vertical, the rest were horizontal and blowing in
the breeze!
Because of the kindness of the Whitman County government, they allowed
us to use the abandoned Whitman Fire District 12 hardline and Super
StationMaster antenna. As of 8/8/08 the Kamiak FM voice repeater on
146.740 MHz is much improved.
We attempted to install the old CommSpec TS-32 subaudible tone decoder,
but we found that the decoder portion is broken. I will be getting
another one soon. The goal for this hardware is to eliminate the 223
MHz hub repeater tail on the 146.740 MHz output.
Also, today the Postal Service delivered the upgrade for the Kamiak
controller from SCom S7 v1.15 to v2.30. Better beeps, IDs, and messages
to follow.
p.s. Ruth, W1MOM, is EC for Whitman County.
Dan at K7MM, VU3MMW
From the Listening Post
Posted August 10, 2008
Karl (AK2O) found a problem with the link system. The power output is
down from what it should be. It turns out his power supply is not
working well.
John (W7OE) and Mike (N1NG) will be "lending" another power supply to him.
He also reported that work at the Stensgar site is progressing.
From the Listening Post
Posted July 25, 2008
Hi All,
These are my latest gatherings regarding the health of the KBARA
repeater system. Too, I've added a few names to our e-mail list.
Along with all the repeater owners & officers, I've added Dan,
K7MM, a life member who started the whole thing (KBARA); Royal, KB7WTO,
co-owner/officer & life member who now lives in Hemet, CA; one of
our newest repeater technicians, Jim, KE6DWM, living in Pullman; and
Barney, KL7HNY, who has offered to help with repeater work as well.
From what I could hear, Dan, K7MM, Jim, KE6DWM, & Bob, W7HFI, spent
most of last Sunday on Kamiak Butte installing the "new" Mitrek. It
fabulous!! More work is to be done with installing the hard line &
repointing the link antenna to Stensgar when the new lease with WSU has
negotiated. Thanks a million guys!
The Lookout Pass repeater has been taken off the mountain by John ,
W7OE, who says the squelch circuit in the radio is bad. This is his
trip to the site. His plan is to take that repeater to Pikes Peak in
two weeks with Ken, KD7DDQ, & switch that repeater for the one
there, which is
pooping out.
The 3 Mitreks will be shipped by John to Royal for reconfiguring in
"one Amateur time unit", according to John.
The new 430 MHz ice-shield covered link antenna (antenna donated by
Art, WB7AUK, & ice cover made by Ken) will be installed at Mica,
once the
Lookout Pass repeater is back up & running.
And the hub repeater amplifier, located on Stensgar, suddenly does not
seem to be working, which means the signal is now suddenly "qrp". Does
mean buying a new amplifier??
"So many things, and so little time". Thanks all for your efforts, and
hope this helps in keeping you up-do-date with tidbits from the
"Listening Post"
Betsy, N7WRQ
KBARA Treasurer & Control Op
Moe Award Winner Comments
Posted July 23, 2008
Hi Betsy;
Thanks so much and thanks to all owners/ops and KBARA Et 'All for the
nomination and award of MOE.. I've enjoyed doing the nets... and even
my XYL Judi involved looking up names and calls etc...
Thanks again.. MOE
is prominently displayed at the QTH... and BTW.. our cat Flea... hates
the noise.. she comes running and meows at Moe... poor Moe... ...
73 88 Duff, WA7BFN
70cm Repeater Now Located at Mica Peak
Posted May 2, 2008
The 70cm repeater used to be located on the South Hill of Spokane. That
location was good for Echolink, poor for propagation.
Once we get our hands on two 1.25m radios, we plan to "beam" Echolink
up to Mica Peak much the same way we currently do with IRLP.
What all this means is the repeater is working, but is not tied to
There is still fine tuning being done, but the system is available for
your use. The freq and tone are the same: 444.35 +, 192.8
Mike, N1NG
KBARA Newsletter Electronic Delivery Option
Posted Mar 6, 2008
In our on-going efforts to be conservative in our spending and save
postage, KBARA members now have an option to receive their newsletter
via email, web site, or USPS. The membership form now has an area where
you can specify how you want your newsletter sent.
Mike, N1NG
147.36 ownership changed
Posted Sep 10, 2007
Hi All,
To keep all the KBARA owners & officers "in the loop", last night
Royal & Barbara Moore, KB7WTO & KB7WTN, sold their half
ownership of the 147.36 repeater to Mike Maxson, N1NG. Needless to say,
we are greatly indebted to Royal & Barb for their great service
over the years, and congratulate Mike on taking on this tremendous
In going over my sketchy records, I wrote on February 8, 1997,
"Stensgar repeater 147.36 sold to John Dempster, W7OE, & Royal
Moore, KB7WTO, by Art Gemmrig, WB7AUK, with the call sign being changed
from WB7AUK to KB7WTO". The call sign "N1NG" now will follow.
Betsy, N7WRQ
Secretary, KBARA
Evergreen Intertie Information
Posted Mar 5, 2006
W7ZVD just shared with me a great source of info on the status of the
Evergreen Intertie. There is a Yahoo group called evergreenintertie.
All you need to do is join that group and you will be in the know. I
will post an example above.
ARRL Eastern Washington Section
Web Site
October 31, 2003
Be sure to check out the latest updates on the ARRL EWA web site!
Evergreen Intertie Contributions Sought
June 7, 2003
Please alert users of the KBARA system that contributions are
needed to maintain our link to the west side of the state through the
Evergreen Intertie. Contributions may be sent to:
John Williams, WA7HNH
P.O. Box 603
South Cle Elum, WA 98943-0603.
Please make checks payable to John Williams, not the Evergreen
Intertie, as the Intertie has no federal ID number from the IRS, which
the banks require.
Betsy, N7WRQ
The official KBARA pin is available for purchase. Also, at the
September 27 Spokane Hamfest, TopHat Novelties/Engraving will be making
the official KBARA pin available. Please get the word out as folks have
been wanting these for quite some time.
Betsy, N7WRQ
The KBARA badges are 90% ready to start accepting prepaid orders. The
yellow hangers only are $6.50 and the full badge is $8.50. We can mail
up to 3 badges to the same address for just a $1.00 extra for
Be sure to send us a list of names and calls, with a single check, and
which they want (hanger or full badge). We never cash a check until the
order is on its way.
Dan & Dawn, n7QHC & KC7YYB, TopHat Novelties/Engraving, 232 So.
107th St., Seattle, WA 98168, 206-243-0163, fax 206-444-9973